n Cosd: Super Hero time

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Super Hero time

While we’re waiting for a “good” post:

If you could have any super-power, which would wish for?

Personally, I think my vote would be for the power to stop-time (for everyone else, but not for me). Of course it would also have to work such that I stopped aging during “stopped time,” otherwise, I would not consider it that useful (in “real” time I’d die much earlier than if I did not have the super-power).
Some advantages? Reading 30 books in one night. Zero practice time for new skills. Tons of productivity, and a useful mechanism to escape from danger/awkward situations.

Another good one would be the ability to relive a day or moment at whim (while retaining memory for the original consequence), because then you could re-live certain day-to-day scenarios until your ideal set of events transpired. You could also relive extra-fun moments until your face turned blue! Bill Murray’s character had a version of this power in the movie “Groundhog Day”. However, his character was more-or-less stuck in a time-loop he had (virtually) no control over.

On a related note – When (if) I get into heaven, I’d love to revisit points in mind life, and find out what chain of events would be different if I had made different choices. *IF* I had had the courage to ask that girl to dance (earlier in the evening, or at all), would we have started dating? Would I have made different friends, leading to a different career choice, and consequently an entirely different life? This would be interesting to know. Not because I am dissatisfied with my current life, but because I am driven but the curiosity of what my other “possible lives” could/would have been like.

I imagine Darren (eunoia) would argue: that I have no other “possible lives,” that I had no choice but to make my past choices, and no other choices were possible.
… but I’ll let him speak for himself.


At May 09, 2005 9:42 AM, Blogger Cosd said...

Indeed, Angie. Not only would that be a great party trick, but I bet you could bring in some good smack with 'pony power' as well.


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