Master Me
In other news, my sister and I just graduated. We are now both MASTERS... ... of the Jedi Force!

... Seriously though, my sister got her Masters in Health Promotion, and I got mine in Experimental Psychology (hence the different colors).
Hope everyone is well,
PS Darren also graduated with me...
How long did it take you to pose properly for the photos and then photoshop them?
Thanks!... We did a lot of posing, since we had the gowns. Probably 10-15 minutes worth. I actually didn't photoshop (can't afford it), instead I found free picture editing software called "GIMP", and used a light-sabre script that someone had written for it (took me about an hour to download and figure out how to use it!).
It figures that someone would have written a light sabre tool for GIMP! Still, if it took an hour MS Paint might have been faster...
Did Tessah do a BSc in Nutrition at Acadia?
MS Paint MAY have been faster, but now I have a script that can draw light sabres in under 5 minutes (more pictures to come).
Tessah (in the pic) is graduating with a Masters in Health Education (Dalhousie). And, yes, she got a BSc in both Nutrition and Psychology at Acadia.
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