n Cosd: Why it sucks, and we don’t care.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Why it sucks, and we don’t care.

If “it” is the environment, then David says it best:

“The biggest change that has happened in the past 100 years, I think, is that traditionally people have always understood that we are part of nature, that everything in nature is connected to everything else, and so we have responsibilities to treat it the right way. Today we don’t see that at all. We live in a world in which everything is broken into bits and pieces and we no longer see the way everything is interconnected. And if you don’t see that everything is interconnected, then you don’t see that there is cause and effect. And when you lose any sense of causal connection, then you lose all sense of responsibility. Because you no longer see how we are affecting the rest of the world.”

~David Suzuki, "No Sacrifice Needed", Corporate Knights, Spring 2005, p. 36
or Q: "What is the greatest environmental threat to Canada or the world over the next 25 years?"


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