n Cosd: ... No hockey for me! (my rant)

Friday, April 01, 2005

... No hockey for me! (my rant)

The organizers of Acadia's annual ball hockey tournament have done it again!
They've again found a way to exclude me for the tournament by having the tournament during the week instead of on the weekend, so that I'd have to make the 1 hour drive everynight of the week instead of once for the usual all day event Saturday.

In my 5 years at Acadia they managed to spoil my attempts to get involved EVERY year, with the exception of last year, when I learned that getting involved is simply a matter of stocking, bribing and black-mailing the right people. Unfortunately this year, being removed from campus I didn't have the resources available for significant amounts of bribing and stocking.

Anyway, I could go on and on about why the organizers are terrible, but instead I'll tell you about the one year when we DID get to play:

... What was my one year in the sun (and it was very sunny) like? Well... as I'm sure would have happened ANY year we were allowed to play, my team of elite players made it straight to the finals, and only coughed up in overtime against the team of Axemen (varsity) players. There were a number of factors contributing to our failure to win it all: I am somewhat to blame, but I'm sure the fact the #&%ing organizers turned the final prize into alcohol (and half my team were teetotalers) didn't help!

Here is a picture of some of our players from last year. I'm the one in the bad shorts.
(Absent from photo: my cousin Chris, goalie Lann, and Captain Pat)


At April 03, 2005 7:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You will like this link:


At April 04, 2005 11:32 PM, Blogger Cosd said...

Hey, thanks for the link!

Yes, that's exactly what my team looked like in the finals... only minus the ice and the skates... and some of the finesse.


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