n Cosd: January 2006

Monday, January 23, 2006

Vote Analyzer

Do you know what you voted for??

Check out the "Voter analyzer"/"Still Undecided?" found from this link, and find out if you voted for the right party (given your opinion on 7 issues).

My results: Of the 7 issues, my values aligned with the Green Party of 5 accounts, and the NDP on 2.
... Which means I voted for the right party (one I actually agreed with)... Did you?

Stop Global Warming! Join the Virtual March NOW!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Conservatives FAIL on Environmental Issues

The Sierra Club of Canada released its analysis of the environment and sustainability commitments of the five major political parties Monday. Not surprisingly, the Green Party and NDP passed with honors (97, and 91 respectively), and the Conservative Party failed with the lowest score of all: 31!! Liberals, however, did not do much better, if we consider 50 the lowest passing mark, Liberals barely passed with a 53, and the Bloc failed with 46*.

So… If the current polls are accurate, we are about to elect the most backward of all the parties (environmentally speaking). Congrats Canada! It's not like we need clean air and water, right?...

* Note: Marks were out of a possible 103.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Appeal to Canadian Voters

Sigh... too late.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Favorite Genius

Happy New Year! As we all begin to jump back into our daily routines, after the holidays, I thought we could all take a brief pause to appreciate genius.

In my stocking appeared: "The book of Total Genius" (from the Mensa Society), which asked me compile a list of my favorite geniuses as well as their "claim to genius" and the "reason for inclusion on the list". After completing my own personal list, it asked me to poll my 'friends and colleagues' to help compile a second list. So now I'm asking for your help in constructing this list.

What I'm looking for (per genius is):
  • Name (of genius)
  • Claim to Genius
  • Reason for inclusion (on the genius list)
If you (my reader) could provide me with a genius, or two, it would be most appreciated!

... Apparently I'm not suppose to read any more of the book until my list is complete!!