n Cosd: April 2006

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Terrorism, Oil Addiction & Climate Change

If you only read one short article on all these issues, I highly recommend this one.

We all know (I hope) that Oil was the real motivation for the war in Iraq, but (I think) fewer of us realize just how many viable alternative energy sources could be available... If they weren't being suppressed.

Please read and comment. Your soul urges you.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

So... I think I have carpal tunnel syndrome. Isn't that what Cheryl studies?

I probably got it from all of the hours I spend typing... and dish washing probably hasn't helped. So now I need to learn to type with the proper posture, and stop resting my hand on the keyboard, and stop resting my elbows on the air rests... :(

I think I will go by a ball today, and hopefully that will help me with my posture.

Also I hear that turmeric has an anti-inflamatory effect, so I may look for that in supplement form, or begin to drink it in tea... good times ahead!... or not. :p

Friday, April 07, 2006

Got Balls?

Okay, I need some advice.

They had a story on the news this morning about sitting on a ball while at your desk being better for your posture, but I was too busy to stay for the whole thing. I've been thinking about getting a ball for awhile now, but I'm not sure if I should go for high quality, high $$ or if any old ball will do. This is important because I am poor. Does anyone know anything about buying balls, and what I should / shouldn't look for? Plus, good place to buy them? Thanks!

PS, We now have CFL lights installed in our apartment. I expect to see energy savings and $$ savings on our next bill, I'll let you know as should as it gets billed! :)