n Cosd: March 2006

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

End of the World

... sometimes it couldn't come soon enough when you're working on your thesis, so I decided to take a break from my work and write about it.

This brief paper is the result of my work, research, and learning in the last year. The forecast for the future does not look good. Start digging.


Political Progress?

Liberal candidates are beginning to put this issue of the environment and environmental sustainability on the table. I certainly hope they are sincere, and that Canada has enough vision to support environmentally proactive platforms.

Anybody who reads the literature on green house gas emissions, other forms of pollution, degradation, and resource depletion realize that this problem is quite urgent. We cannot act soon enough (see recent reports, 1, 2).

Solutions ARE available we just need to unlearn old ways of thinking.

You can help too. Here’s an easy place to start.