My Area of Expertise
Everyone is an expert on something.
I, for example, am an expert on the topic of myself. This expertise extends beyond important dates such as my date of birth, familial relationships, and anniversaries to trivia. For example, I can tell you what I had for breakfast, what time I got up this morning, and other trivia on myself that few others know.
In fact, I may be the greatest expert on the topic of myself that ever WAS, or ever WILL BE. I have become such on expert in the last few years, that I can now actually predict my own behavior with a high degree of accuracy. For example, if offered both a red and orange jellybean, I can tell you which one I’ll pick before a final decision is made with near 100% accuracy!! It sounds incredible, but you should see me do it! :)
I am so confident in this subject area, that I expect my expertise will continue, undisputed, for all time… :)