n Cosd: August 2005

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


So I'm moving up in this world!
... up to the fifth floor.

It's going to be much harder to keep an eye on my supervisor from this location, but my office has already passed it's first test: we have internet!

Also, the view from up here is quite nice, I no longer have to share my space, AND the previous office owner (who I haven't met) left some food behind for me in a drawer... YUM, YUM!

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Brave New World –Aldous Huxley

I finished reading it a few weeks ago, but wanted to remember this one quote before it went back to the library:

“They say that it is fear of death and of what comes after that makes men turn to religion as they advance in years. But my own experience has given me the conviction that, quite apart from any such terrors or imaginings, the religious sentiment tends to develop because, as the passions grow calm, as the fancy sensibilities are less excited and less excitable, our reason becomes less troubled in its workings, less obscured by the images, desires and distractions, in which it used to be absorbed; whereupon God emerges as from behind a cloud; our soul feels, sees, turns towards the source of all light; turns naturally and inevitably; for now that all that gave to the world of sensations its life and charm has begun to leak away from us, now that phenomenal existence is no more bolstered up by impressions from within or from without, we feel the need to lean on something that abides, something that will never play us false–-a reality, an absolute and everlasting truth. Yes, we inevitably turn to God; for this religious sentiment is of its nature so pure, so delightful to the soul that experiences it, that it makes up to us for all our other losses.” *

*This was actually a quote within the book, and its original source was not clearly indicated. “The Imitation of Christ” and “The varieties of Religious Experience” (William James), however, were both mentioned in the same chapter.

Friday, August 05, 2005

BDay Thank-Yous!

Thanks to everyone for coming by (or calling) and wishing me well on my special day! I had fun, and the food was excellent!

Question: What are textbooks, such as ‘Comparative Psychology’, ‘Principles of Human Neuropsychology’, ‘Biopsychology’, ‘Research Design and Methods’, ‘Cognition’ and ‘Neuroscience’ good for?


[Slinky Pic]

Special thanks to Natalia and Ang for providing the slinky, Alison for showing me how to post pictures on my blog, and Marsha for taking the pictures!

How's that old saying go? Behind every good man…
...(is a number of good women?)

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Disillusioned by Psychology*

Here I was thinking I was going into psychology to help people!
But now the “Church” of Scientology with the help of Tom “Cruise” have helped my realize the truth….


Psychology and Psychiatry has been responsible for the rise of numerous evils in our time including: World War I, the rise of Hitler and Stalin, the decline of education standards in the Untied States, the wars in Bosnia and Kosovo, and the September 11th attacks!

In fact, psychiatry is an ancient evil that has been a problem for billions of years. Pain and sex were devised by psychiatrists eons ago as tools of degradation, and plots of psychiatry have been the sole cause of decline in this universe!

It is all very clear. The Church of Scientiology will explain it all for you.

For example, here’s a particularly poignant, unbiased article entitled: Psychiatry, Education’s Ruin
Here’s the pic that accompanies the article:

Let me summarize it for you:
1) Quality of education is declining in the United States
2) Psychiatry and psychology have become more involved in the education process.
3) Therefore Psychiatry is responsible for the decline in education standards

It couldn’t be clearer, if it was written by monkies!!

Here’s a quote for the same article: “Yet by far the most important victory for psychiatry and psychology came in 1965 with the passage of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). This essentially put psychiatry and psychology in the driver's seat of society and firmly established the policies that would harm our children's minds for the next 30 years.”


For more info on why Scientology hates Psychiatry, and the source of most of my information -- refer to this short article on Wikipedia.

* For those who don’t know me, I am being ironic.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Nerd, Anyone?

Okay, so... I knew I was nerdy... But I didn't think it was that bad!

I am nerdier than 75% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!
The Caption: "Mid-Level Nerd. Wow, it takes a lot of hard nerdy practice to reach this level."

*Sigh*... I guess I'm past the point of no return, I might as well embrace it:

D&D anyone? ... Or how about some online gaming? ... I've got a level 30 NE on brother's WoW account, and I'll cream you in a game of Starcraft (RTS), or Counter Strike (FPS)...
Or, if you want to relax, we can put on 'The Matrix' or some old Star Trek: NG episodes, or I can show off some of my latest programming in Java... I also play a mean game of chess.