n Cosd: March 2005

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Omnipotence, Logic & God

Even though these are thoughts in progress, I thought I’d post them anyway.
Darren said (basically) the idea of free will and an omnipotent God cannot logically fit.
I agree. But the topic "free will" is not necessary in this discussion because the idea of omnipotence doesn’t make logical sense on its own. Which is where questions like: “Can God destroy himself?” or “Make a rock so big he can’t move it?” come from.
Which, in my mind, brings us to two different conclusions:
  1. God (the omnipotent version, at least) cannot logically exist
  2. God is illogical, or better yet, exists "outside of logic".

So... Wouldn’t we expect God to live outside of logic (or “transcend logic”)? Afterall, isn’t logic a human construct based in the physical word? God doesn’t exist in the physical world, or at least, does not solely exist in the physical world so why should he be bound by physical/human constructs?

Anyway, I typed “outside of logic” into google, and found this guy: http://www.vexen.co.uk/religion/god_logic.html

(Who doesn't agree with me)

But I decided to post this before reading his logic, that way I can post a follow-up later (hopefully after I’ve decided why he {not I} is wrong).

Monday, March 07, 2005

Outfoxed: Media and Politics

Nothing like fair unbiased news... And this is nothing like fair unbiased news.

* http://www.outfoxed.org/

According to Vincent, the movie will be showing at Saint Mary's University (Burke Building) Sunday, March 13th at 6:30pm (cost $5).

But, if you're interested, and can't make that date, it is also available to rent at "Video Difference" on Quinpool (Halifax), upstairs in the documentary section.

Thanks again, to Vincent for making me aware of this.
... I think I may check it out.

*I recommend selecting "watch the trailer", to get a sense what it's all about.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Super Hero time

While we’re waiting for a “good” post:

If you could have any super-power, which would wish for?

Personally, I think my vote would be for the power to stop-time (for everyone else, but not for me). Of course it would also have to work such that I stopped aging during “stopped time,” otherwise, I would not consider it that useful (in “real” time I’d die much earlier than if I did not have the super-power).
Some advantages? Reading 30 books in one night. Zero practice time for new skills. Tons of productivity, and a useful mechanism to escape from danger/awkward situations.

Another good one would be the ability to relive a day or moment at whim (while retaining memory for the original consequence), because then you could re-live certain day-to-day scenarios until your ideal set of events transpired. You could also relive extra-fun moments until your face turned blue! Bill Murray’s character had a version of this power in the movie “Groundhog Day”. However, his character was more-or-less stuck in a time-loop he had (virtually) no control over.

On a related note – When (if) I get into heaven, I’d love to revisit points in mind life, and find out what chain of events would be different if I had made different choices. *IF* I had had the courage to ask that girl to dance (earlier in the evening, or at all), would we have started dating? Would I have made different friends, leading to a different career choice, and consequently an entirely different life? This would be interesting to know. Not because I am dissatisfied with my current life, but because I am driven but the curiosity of what my other “possible lives” could/would have been like.

I imagine Darren (eunoia) would argue: that I have no other “possible lives,” that I had no choice but to make my past choices, and no other choices were possible.
… but I’ll let him speak for himself.

Still Alive?

Yes, I am. Thank you for asking.

And, I have good ideas for future posts, I just haven't got around to posting them, yet...

... maybe sometime this month :p